

I did these a couple weeks ago and I've been waivering back and forth between posting them but I figure I may as well. I generally tend to avoid drawing in Photoshop because when I do, I use it for silly things. This is no exception, these are all pretty cheesecakey and pin-up-tastic, but I had fun with them. If you don't do the Shakespeare thing, ignore the rest of the text, I tend to blather about things no one should care about.

Mercutio! If you can identify what all of his tattoos refer to you win bonus points.

Robin Goodfellow says Puck You!

One day when I have run out of serious things to do I will make a comic about these two and their antics.
Not gonna lie, I've always thought Emelia was kind of a stupid nag, but after re-reading Othello again (ssshhh, it was for class, ok? really...) I'm kind of entranced by her independent, no-nonsense bad-assery

I love Iago but I also love that she doesn't really put up with any of his bullshit.
But that said, I think they've got a very strange relationship that will be fun to play with.



A Conversation has a snazzy new cover, now with 200% more people and 50% less KJ failing at a screen printing in the living room. Most of these are going to friends and family I promised copies to back before I ran out of the first batch, but I made extras so if you want one email me and I will hook you up. Or you could just be sneaky and read it online. It's ok. I won't tell.


Gutenberg Press Documentary

I personally would watch a documentary on weevils or the sanitation department so long as it was narrated by Stephen Fry, so it was a lovely treat to find this 6-part BBC presentation on youtube about the Gutenberg press. Stephen Fry travels throughout Europe interviewing historians and exploring relevant locales. He also assists a master craftsman in making an approximation of Gutenberg's press using authentic techniques. Also - 15th-century papermaking!

There's also a page dedicated to the documentary on the BBC website, along with some tasty educational links. This particular program is part of a larger series on Medieval history. There is an option to play the video, but it looks like it's region-restricted.

Hooray printmaking! Hooray Stephen Fry!